VerticalResponse Enterprise API Types
This document describes the types of objects that comprise arguments and return values for VerticalResponse Enterprise API methods.
Array of
Array of
Array of
Array of xsd:int
Array of
Array of
Array of
Array of
Array of
Array of xsd:string
Array of
id [xsd:int]
The ID of the background task.
start_date [xsd:dateTime]
The time when the task started.
end_date [xsd:dateTime]
The time when the task finished (if the task has finished).
status [xsd:string]
The status reported by the task.
percent_complete [xsd:int]
The percentage complete reported by the task.
Describes a link found in the content of a campaign and replaced with a redirect link.
position [xsd:int]
type [xsd:string]
This will be "HTML" for links found in the HTML rendering of a campaign, and it will be "TEXT" for links found in a text-only rendering of the campaign.
redirect_url [xsd:string]
The click-through URL for this link.
click_text [xsd:string]
For links in the HTML rendering of a campaign, this is the HTML content between the opening and closing anchor tag. For links in the text-only rendering of a campaign, this is just "Text Version - Link N" where N is the position.
hash [xsd:string]
A 10-character hexadecimal string that uniquely identifies this click-through link.
campaign_item_id [xsd:int]
A number uniquely identifying the content section in which this link was found.
id [xsd:int]
The ID of the company you are editing (only required if updating an existing Company)
name [xsd:string]
REQUIRED: The name of the Company
address_1 [xsd:string]
The first line of the street address for the company. Note: This value is used in the account's profile.
address_2 [xsd:string]
The second line of the street address for the company. Note: This value is used in the account's profile.
city [xsd:string]
The full city name for this company. Note: This value is used in the account's profile.
state [xsd:string]
The full name for the state where this Company is located (ex. "California"). Note: This value is used in the account's profile.
postalcode [xsd:string]
The postal code for the location of this Company. Note: This value is used in the account's profile.
country [xsd:string]
The two-letter code for the country where this Company is located (ex. "US"). Note: This value is used in the account's profile.
phone [xsd:string]
The phone number for the Company. Note: This value is used in the account's profile.
fax [xsd:string]
The fax number for the Company. Note: This value is used in the account's profile.
url [xsd:string]
The URL for the Company web site. Note: This value is used in the account's profile.
creation_date [xsd:dateTime]
The date this Company account was created (set by the VerticalResponse system)
support_email [xsd:string]
Though VerticalResponse handles all bounces and unsubscribe requests, your recipients may occasionally reply directly to an email you send. This is the email address that VerticalResponse will use as a default to send these replies to. Note: This value is used in the account's profile.
emails_per_hour [xsd:int]
use_otl_schema [xsd:boolean]
Whether the company's account uses the OTL platform or not.
logo [vrtypens:FileSpec]
The file to use as the logo for this company. This logo image will be stored in the Image Library and will be used for campaigns created using the Wizard and made accessible via the API's media library methods.
users [vrtypens:ArrayOfUser]
An array containing the user objects that should be assigned to this company. NOTE: At this time, each company is allowed only one user.
domain [xsd:string]
A domain name.
count [xsd:int]
The number of list members with email addresses in this domain.
Describes an Email that can be assigned lists and sent either directly through the API or via the VerticalResponse user interface. Though it's possible to use one of VerticalResponse's pre-built templates (known as "Border" on the VerticalResponse site), if you're using the API to generate emails, we recommend that you create the HTML and text layout for your email campaign on your system and pass those contents in the form of either a freeform or canvas email type.
id [xsd:int]
This email's ID. Provided by VerticalResponse.
email_hash [xsd:string]
A 10-character hexadecimal string that uniquely identifies this campaign. Provided by VerticalResponse.
name [xsd:string]
REQUIRED: The name used to identify this campaign in the list of sent and unsent emails in your VerticalResponse account.
description [xsd:string]
A description of the email.
email_type [xsd:string]
REQUIRED: The type of email you are creating, which must be one of the following:
  • canvas - Editable using the "Canvas" in the VerticalResponse application.
  • freeform - Fully-formed HTML/Text. Can be edited in the VerticalResponse application using the non-WYSIWYG editor.
  • freeform_text - Fully-formed text-only email. Can be edited in the VerticalResponse application using the non-WYSIWYG editor.
status [xsd:string]
The status of this campaign.
hosted_email [xsd:boolean]
Whether a hosted version of this email should be provided.
from_label [xsd:string]
The name or email address this email should appear to be sent from. This value is usually displayed in the recipient's email client instead of the actual "from" email address.
reply_to_email [xsd:string]
REQUIRED:The email address to which replies to this email will be sent.
company_name [xsd:string]
If set, this overrides the company name shown in the footer of the email.
send_friend [xsd:boolean]
Whether the "Forward to a Friend" feature has been activated for this campaign.
creation_date [xsd:dateTime]
When this campaign was created. Set by VerticalResponse.
last_updated [xsd:dateTime]
The last time this campaign was modified. Set by VerticalResponse.
mail_date [xsd:dateTime]
The date when this campaign should mail.
additional_costs [xsd:float]
Additional costs of this campaign - used for calculating ROI.
subject [xsd:string]
The subject of the email.
freeform_html [xsd:string]
The HTML content of the email.
freeform_text [xsd:string]
The text-only content of the email.
unsub_message [xsd:string]
The unsubscribe message at the bottom of the email.
unsub_link_text [xsd:string]
The unsubscribe text of the email.
postal_addr_1 [xsd:string]
postal_addr_2 [xsd:string]
postal_city [xsd:string]
postal_state [xsd:string]
postal_code [xsd:string]
postal_country [xsd:string]
tested [xsd:boolean]
Whether the new email should be considered to have been test emailed.
previewed_html [xsd:boolean]
Whether the new email should be considered to have had its HTML version previewed.
previewed_text [xsd:boolean]
Whether the new email should be considered to have had its text-only version previewed.
Describes an EmailCampaign that can be assigned lists and sent either directly through the API or via the VerticalResponse user interface. Though it's possible to use one of VerticalResponse's pre-built templates (known as "Border" on the VerticalResponse site), if you're using the API to generate emails, we recommend that you create the HTML and text layout for your email campaign on your system and pass those contents in the form of either a freeform or canvas email type.
id [xsd:int]
This campaign's ID. Provided by VerticalResponse. Only required if updating a campaign.
hash [xsd:string]
A 10-character hexadecimal string that uniquely identifies this campaign. Provided by VerticalResponse.
name [xsd:string]
REQUIRED: The name used to identify this campaign in the list of sent and unsent emails in your VerticalResponse account.
type [xsd:string]
REQUIRED: The type of email you are creating, which must be one of the following:
  • template - Editable using the "Wizard" in the VerticalResponse application. If you choose this type, you must also specify a template_id.
  • canvas - Editable using the "Canvas" in the VerticalResponse application.
  • freeform - Fully-formed HTML/Text. Can be edited in the VerticalResponse application using the non-WYSIWYG editor.
  • freeform_text - Fully-formed text-only email. Can be edited in the VerticalResponse application using the non-WYSIWYG editor.
template_id [xsd:int]
For template campaigns, this identifies the template used. Templates are referred to as "borders" in the VerticalResponse application. Only required for email campaigns of type "template".
status [xsd:string]
DEPRECATED: The internal status of this campaign. The use of this value is deprecated. Please use display_status instead.
display_status [xsd:string]
The status of this campaign. Set by VerticalResponse.
tested [xsd:boolean]
Whether this campaign has been test mailed. Set by VerticalResponse.
declined [xsd:boolean]
Whether this campaign has been declined for mailing by VerticalResponse. Set by VerticalResponse.
from_label [xsd:string]
REQUIRED: The name or email address this campaign should appear to be sent from. This value is usually displayed in the recipient's email client instead of the actual "from" email address.
support_email [xsd:string]
The email address to which replies to this campaign will be sent.
send_friend [xsd:boolean]
Whether the "Forward to a Friend" feature has been activated for this campaign.
redirect_url [xsd:string]
For template campaigns, this is the click-through link used for the logo at the top.
sent_size [xsd:int]
The number of unique recipients of this campaign. Set by VerticalResponse. Available after the campaign has been launched.
creation_date [xsd:dateTime]
When this campaign was created. Set by VerticalResponse.
last_updated [xsd:dateTime]
The last time this campaign was modified. Set by VerticalResponse.
mail_date [xsd:dateTime]
The date when this campaign should mail.
additional_costs [xsd:float]
Additional costs of this campaign - used for calculating ROI.
contents [vrtypens:ArrayOfEmailCampaignContent]
An array of EmailCampaignContent objects that define the actual content of this campaign.
modules [vrtypens:ArrayOfTemplateCampaignModule]
For template campaigns, this is a list of the TemplateCampaignModules that have been added.
lists [vrtypens:ArrayOfList]
The set of lists that are attached to this campaign (if asked for). Can be set later using the method setCampaignLists().
Represents a text or HTML component of an EmailCampaign.
type [xsd:string]
The campaign component's type.
Valid types for template (wizard) campaigns are:
  • subject
  • salutation
  • greeting
  • closing
  • unsub_message
  • unsub_link_text
  • postal_address
  • custom_color
Valid content types for freeform and canvas campaigns are:
  • subject
  • freeform_html
  • freeform_text
  • unsub_message
  • unsub_link_text
  • postal_address
Valid content types for freeform_text campaigns are:
  • subject
  • freeform_text
  • unsub_message
  • unsub_link_text
  • postal_address
copy [xsd:string]
The text or HTML copy that comprises this component of the campaign.
All outgoing email campaigns are reviewed by a live person who examines content, mailing lists and client history. This prevents abuse of service, catches client mistakes and allows VerticalResponse to maintain quality control over the self-service product we offer. EmailCampaignDecline objects represent an instance of a campaign being declined.
reason [xsd:string]
Why the campaign was declined.
date [xsd:dateTime]
When the campaign was declined.
domain_name [xsd:string]
The name of this domain.
emails_sent [xsd:int]
The number of recipients in this domain.
open_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients from this domain that opened the campaign.
reopen_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients from this domain that reopened the campaign.
click_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients from this domain that clicked one of the links in the campaign.
sale_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients from this domain that have made a purchase after clicking one of the links in the campaign.
purchase_total [xsd:float]
The total amount spent on purchases by recipients from this domain that resulted from the campaign.
bounce_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients from this domain that bounced for the campaign.
unsub_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients from this domain that unsubscribed through the campaign.
responder_count [xsd:int]
The number of distinct recipients from this domain that opened, clicked, or purchased for the campaign.
click_text [xsd:string]
For links in the HTML rendering of a campaign, this is the HTML content between the opening and closing anchor tag. For links in the text-only rendering of a campaign, this is just "Text Version - Link N" where N is the position.
link_url [xsd:string]
The click-through URL for this link.
link_type [xsd:string]
This will be "HTML" for links from the HTML rendering of a campaign and will be "TEXT" for links from the text-only rendering of a campaign.
link_hash [xsd:string]
A 10-character hexadecimal string that uniquely identifies this link.
click_count [xsd:int]
The number of times recipients have clicked this link.
distinct_clicker_count [xsd:int]
The number of distinct recipients that have clicked this link.
id [xsd:int]
The id of this list.
list_id [xsd:int]
The id of this list.
list_name [xsd:string]
The name of this list.
list_size [xsd:int]
The size of this list.
emails_sent [xsd:int]
The number of recipients in this list.
open_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients from this list that opened the campaign.
reopen_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients from this list that reopened the campaign.
click_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients from this list that clicked one of the links in the campaign.
sale_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients from this list that have made a purchase after clicking one of the links in the campaign.
purchase_total [xsd:float]
The total amount spent on purchases by recipients from this list that resulted from the campaign.
bounce_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients from this list that bounced for the campaign.
unsub_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients from this list that unsubscribed through the campaign.
responder_count [xsd:int]
The number of distinct recipients from this list that opened, clicked, or purchased for the campaign.
This represents a histogram that illustrates response data for a particular response type (e.g., opens or clicks).
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The ID of the campaign whose stats are being reported.
response_type [xsd:string]
The response type that this histogram pertains to.
response_data [vrtypens:Histogram]
An array of HistogramBin objects. Each HistogramBin contains a category and a count for that category. The categories are determined by the response time window and number of bins requested.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The ID of the campaign whose stats are being reported.
campaign_name [xsd:string]
The name of the campaign.
campaign_type [xsd:string]
The type of the campaign.
status [xsd:string]
The status of the campaign.
sent_date [xsd:dateTime]
When the campaign was mailed.
sales_locale [xsd:string]
email_credit_cost [xsd:float]
local_email_credit_cost [xsd:float]
local_email_credit_currency [xsd:string]
additional_costs [xsd:float]
currency_conversion_rate [xsd:float]
roi [xsd:float]
emails_sent [xsd:int]
The number of emails sent for the campaign.
open_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients that opened the campaign.
reopen_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients that reopened the campaign.
click_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients that clicked a link in the campaign.
sale_count [xsd:int]
purchase_total [xsd:float]
bounce_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients that bounced for this campaign.
unsub_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients that unsubscribed through this campaign.
forward_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients that used the "Forward to a Friend" feature for the campaign.
responder_count [xsd:int]
The number of distinct recipients that opened, clicked, or purchased for the campaign.
facebook_like_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients that liked the campaign on Facebook.
twitter_share_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients that shared this campaign on Twitter.
linkedin_share_count [xsd:int]
The number of recipients that shared this campaign on LinkedIn.
link_stats [vrtypens:ArrayOfEmailCampaignLinkStats]
The stats for each link in this campaign.
domain_stats [vrtypens:ArrayOfEmailCampaignDomainStats]
The stats for each domain that had recipients for this campaign.
list_stats [vrtypens:ArrayOfEmailCampaignListStats]
The stats for each list that had recipients for this campaign.
id [xsd:int]
This layout's ID.
layout_name [xsd:string]
This is the name of the layout.
layout_category [xsd:string]
This is the category to which the layout belongs.
small_thumbnail_path [xsd:string]
This is the path to the small preview thumbnail of the layout
large_thumbnail_path [xsd:string]
This is the path to the large preview thumbnail of the layout
id [xsd:int]
This layout's ID.
parent_category_id [xsd:int]
This is an optional parent category ID. A null value indicates this is a top level category, otherwise the value indicates the parent category of this category.
category_name [xsd:string]
This is the name of the category.
category_description [xsd:string]
This is an optional description of the category.
id [xsd:int]
name [xsd:string]
description [xsd:string]
start_date [xsd:dateTime]
end_date [xsd:dateTime]
An object that represents a file being passed into or out of the API server. Depending on the context, not all fields will be in use.
filename [xsd:string]
The filename (e.g., new_signups.csv).
delimiter [xsd:string]
For tabular files, this is either "csv" or "tab".
location [xsd:string]
For files generated by the API server for download, this is the URL where the file can be downloaded from. For non-directory Library files being returned by enumerateFiles(), this is a URL suitable for use in a campaign for that image. (In this case the URLs are transient in that they will only be usable for a certain period of time after which they will expire. When a campaign with such Library references in it is launched, all the references are updated to point to a campaign-specific version of that Library image. This protects customers from breaking campaigns by accidentally deleting or changing Library images that are referenced in a launched campaign.)
contents [soapenc:base64]
For files passed into the API server, this is the base64-encoded contents of the file.
media_library_directory [xsd:string]
For files in the Library, this is the directory there where the file lives.
is_directory [xsd:boolean]
Whether this file represents a Library directory or not.
size [xsd:int]
The number of bytes in the contents of this file.
last_modified [xsd:dateTime]
A timestamp representing when this file was last updated.
This object represents one bar in a histogram.
category [xsd:string]
Specifies which bar this is in the histogram.
count [xsd:int]
Specifies the size of the bar in this histogram.
id [xsd:int]
name [xsd:string]
size [xsd:int]
The number of members in this list.
type [xsd:string]
This can be one of three values:
  • email
  • postcard
  • optin (a list associated with an opt-in form)
last_mailed [xsd:dateTime]
The date when a campaign was mailed with this list last.
form_id [xsd:int]
For "optin" type lists, this identifies the opt-in form that's associated with this list.
creation_date [xsd:dateTime]
The date when this list was created.
mailable [xsd:int]
The number of mailable recipients on this list.
mailable_last_updated [xsd:dateTime]
The date when the number of mailable recipients for this list last changed.
status [xsd:string]
Whether this list is deleted. This can be one of three values:
  • active
  • locked
  • deleted
delete_date [xsd:dateTime]
The date when this list was deleted if it is deleted.
deleted_by [xsd:int]
The ID of the user who deleted this list.
fields [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
A list of all the fields for this list.
indexed_fields [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
A list of all the fields that can be searched by for this list.
displayed_fields [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
A list of all the fields displayed for this list in the VerticalResponse application.
is_master [xsd:boolean]
When set to true, only the master list is returned. When set to false, all the user lists (except for the master list) are returned. When not specified, all lists that match other input parameters are returned, whether master or not.
An object that represents one recipient in a list.
list_id [xsd:int]
The ID of the list this recipient belongs to.
list_name [xsd:string]
The name of the list this recipient belongs to.
list_type [xsd:string]
The type of the list this recipient belongs to.
member_data [vrtypens:NVDictionary]
A dictionary that defines the fields for the list and their values for this particular recipient.
Array of
An object that represents one entry in a dictionary. An array of these forms a hash-like data structure called an NVDictionary.
name [xsd:string]
value [xsd:string]
id [xsd:int]
name [xsd:string]
company_id [xsd:string]
The ID of the company this opt-in form belongs to.
redirect_url [xsd:string]
If this is set to a URL, people signing up through this form will be redirected to it instead of seeing the standard "thank you" page.
logo_name [xsd:string]
The filename of this opt-in form's logo.
confimation_text [xsd:string]
from_label [xsd:string]
The "from" label of any email sent to sign-ups through opt-in form activity.
confirmation_html [xsd:string]
confirmation_subject [xsd:string]
The subject line of the confirmation email.
confirmation_from_email [xsd:string]
The "from" address of the confirmation email.
confirmation_greeting_text [xsd:string]
The greeting part of the sign-up confirmation email.
confirmation_link_text [xsd:string]
The text for the confirmation link inside the confirmation email.
confirmation_closing_text [xsd:string]
The closing part of the sign-up confirmation email.
notification_frequency [xsd:int]
The frequency with which sign-up notifications are sent to the account owner.
next_notification [xsd:dateTime]
The date when the next sign-up notification will be sent to the account owner.
border_color [xsd:string]
The border color of a rendering of this opt-in form.
background_color [xsd:string]
The background color of a rendering of this opt-in form.
field_text_color [xsd:string]
The color of field name text of a rendering of this opt-in form.
title_text [xsd:string]
The title text of a rendering of this opt-in form.
required_text [xsd:string]
The "required" text of a rendering of this opt-in form (e.g., "*required").
submit_button_text [xsd:string]
The text inside the submit button of a rendering of this opt-in form.
confirmation_redirect_url [xsd:string]
If this is set to a URL, people confirming their sign-up through this form will be redirected to it instead of seeing the standard "thank you" page.
list_name [xsd:string]
The name of the list associated with this opt-in form.
list_id [xsd:int]
The ID of the list associated with this opt-in form.
question_collection [vrtypens:ArrayOfOptinQuestion]
An array of all the questions that comprise this opt-in form.
An object that represents one field on an opt-in form.
id [xsd:int]
name [xsd:string]
The name of the list field this opt-in form question corresponds to.
type [xsd:string]
This can be one of two values:
  • TEXT
question [xsd:string]
The label used for this question (e.g., "First Name:").
position [xsd:int]
The position of this question with respect to other questions in the opt-in form.
required [xsd:int]
Whether this field is required for sign-up.
Represents an "order by" argument when enumerating objects (e.g, calling enumerateLists())
field_name [xsd:string]
The name of the field to order by.
direction [xsd:string]
The direction. This can take two values:
  • asc (default)
  • desc
Represents the tiered pricing of a given type of credits (email or postcard)
minimum [xsd:int]
The number of credits that defines the low end of this pricing structure tier
maximum [xsd:int]
The number of credits that defines the high end of this pricing structure tier
unit_price [xsd:float]
The unit price per credit in this pricing structure tier
product_type [xsd:string]
The type of product being purchased ('email' or 'postcard')
product_details [xsd:string]
Must be undefined for product_type 'email', the postcard size ('4x6' or '6x9') for product_type 'postcard'
quantity [xsd:int]
The quantity to purchase
An object that summarizes how many list members were rejected for a particular reason while being added to a list.
reason_code [xsd:string]
A code representing the rejection reason. The value for this can be one of the following:
reason [xsd:string]
A more detailed explanation for the rejection.
num_records [xsd:int]
The number of records rejected for this reason.
id [xsd:int]
name [xsd:string]
operation_type [xsd:string]
description [xsd:string]
status [xsd:string]
display_context [xsd:string]
deleted_by [xsd:int]
delete_date [xsd:dateTime]
last_run_date [xsd:dateTime]
last_run_size [xsd:int]
input_type [xsd:string]
input_constraint_conjunction [xsd:string]
last_run_date [xsd:dateTime]
last_run_size [xsd:int]
constrained_entity [xsd:string]
constrained_field [xsd:string]
constraint_operator [xsd:string]
constrained_field_start_date [xsd:dateTime]
constrained_field_end_date [xsd:dateTime]
match_if_field_missing [xsd:boolean]
name [xsd:string]
list_type [xsd:string]
num_records [xsd:int]
sf_field [xsd:string]
vr_field [xsd:string]
address_1 [xsd:string]
address_2 [xsd:string]
city [xsd:string]
state [xsd:string]
postalcode [xsd:string]
country [xsd:string]
subscription_type [xsd:string]
max_list_size [xsd:int]
credit_balance [xsd:int]
id [xsd:int]
name [xsd:string]
description [xsd:string]
status [xsd:string]
survey_hash [xsd:string]
survey_id [xsd:int]
campaign_id [xsd:int]
An object that represents a module that is part of a template (also known as "Wizard") campaign. TemplateCampaignModules correspond to items that are added to a Wizard campaign through the VerticalResponse application.
position [xsd:int]
The position of this module relative to other modules in the campaign.
template_id [xsd:int]
A number that identifies the template used for this module.
hash [xsd:string]
A 10-character hexadecimal string that uniquely identifies this TemplateCampaignModule.
title [xsd:string]
The title text.
copy [xsd:string]
The actual content for this TemplateCampaignModule.
redirect_url [xsd:string]
The destination of the link that accompanies this TemplateCampaignModule.
click_text [xsd:string]
The text inside the link that accompanies this TemplateCampaignModule.
images [vrtypens:ArrayOfFileSpec]
An array of the images associated with this TemplateCampaignModule.
id [xsd:int]
email_address [xsd:string]
The User's email address, which is also the login username for this account.
company_id [xsd:int]
The ID of the company to which this User belongs.
password [xsd:string]
REQUIRED: The user's password. Must be at least six characters long.
first_name [xsd:string]
REQUIRED: The user's first name. Note: This value is used in the account's profile.
last_name [xsd:string]
REQUIRED: The user's last name. Note: This value is used in the account's profile.
address_1 [xsd:string]
The first line in the user's street address. Note: To set the address for an account profile, see the Company object.
address_2 [xsd:string]
The second line in the user's street address. Note: To set the address for an account profile, see the Company object.
city [xsd:string]
The user's city. Note: To set the address for an account profile, see the Company object.
state [xsd:string]
The full name of the user's state (ex. "California"). Note: To set the address for an account profile, see the Company object.
postalcode [xsd:string]
The user's postal/ZIP code. Note: To set the address for an account profile, see the Company object.
country [xsd:string]
The two-character code for the user's country (ex. "US"). Note: To set the address for an account profile, see the Company object.
timezone [xsd:string]
creation_date [xsd:dateTime]
The date this user was created (set by VerticalResponse)
phone [xsd:string]
fax [xsd:string]
url [xsd:string]
last_activity_date [xsd:dateTime]
offer_optin [xsd:boolean]
newsletter_optin [xsd:boolean]
password_question [xsd:string]
promotion [xsd:string]
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_member [vrtypens:ListMember]
The list member argument must contain a list_id. The list_name and list_type fields are not used. The member_data must at least contain an entry for email_address.
validate_postal_address [xsd:boolean]
This parameter is deprecated and is not supported in future releases
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The ID of the list to add new recipients to
file [vrtypens:FileSpec]
A FileSpec containing the contents of the file to append. The "delimiter" must be set here, and either the "location" or "contents" field must be set.
fields [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
A list of the fields represented by the columns in the file. Any column in the file whose field name is given as "_ignore_" is ignored when recipients are being created.
validate_postal_addresses [xsd:boolean]
If this is set to true and the list member's postal address is invalid, then a fault will be thrown.
favor_existing_values [xsd:boolean]
For uploaded list members that are already in the account, if there's a conflict between the uploaded list member's fields and the existing list member fields, then the uploaded list member's fields win the conflict, and the existing list member's fields are updated. Set this to a true value for the existing list member's fields to win the conflict such that the existing list member's fields are not updated. This argument only applies to calls made by an account with "Master List" list data storage.
overwrite_non_nulls_with_nulls_ok [xsd:boolean]
Normally a non-null value would never get overwritten during an upload process. Set this to a true value to override this default behavior. This argument only applies to calls made by an account with "Master List" list data storage.
overwrite_partial_postal_addresses_ok [xsd:boolean]
Postal address fields are: first_name, last_name, address_1, address_2, city, state, postalcode. Normally these are treated as one big field during the upload process and no individual piece is updated without the other being updated. Set this to a true value to override this default behavior. This will have the effect of causing any updated list member to no longer be considered postcard mailable. This argument only applies to calls made by an account with "Master List" list data storage.
ignore_first_line [xsd:boolean]
Set this to a true value if the first line in the uploaded file should be ignore (i.e., if it's some sort of header row). This argument only applies to calls made by an account with "Master List" list data storage.
notification_email_address [xsd:string]
This is required for the background version of this method. When the result is ready, this email address will receive a notification that includes a link that can be used to download the result.
list_id [xsd:int]
The list_id argument passed in.
list_name [xsd:string]
The name of the list.
total_records [xsd:int]
The number of records found in the file.
records_loaded [xsd:int]
The number of records added to the list
records_rejected [xsd:int]
The number of records rejected.
new_list_size [xsd:int]
The size of the list after adding the new records.
new_mailable_size [xsd:int]
The mailable size of the list after adding the new records.
records_already_in_list [xsd:int]
The number of records in the upload that were already in the target list. This field only applies to results from calls made by an account with "Master List" list data storage.
records_added_to_list [xsd:int]
The number of records in the upload that ended up being added to the target list. This field only applies to results from calls made by an account with "Master List" list data storage.
records_already_in_master_list [xsd:int]
The number of records in the upload that were already in the Master List. This field only applies to results from calls made by an account with "Master List" list data storage.
records_added_to_master_list [xsd:int]
The number of records in the upload that were already in the Master List. This field only applies to results from calls made by an account with "Master List" list data storage.
new_master_list_size [xsd:int]
The size of the Master List after any uploaded list members were added. This field only applies to results from calls made by an account with "Master List" list data storage.
new_master_list_mailable_size [xsd:int]
The number of mailable email addresses in the Master List after any uploaded list members were added. This field only applies to results from calls made by an account with "Master List" list data storage.
records_restricted [xsd:int]
The number of records that were added as not being mailable as a result of your list member storage limit being exceeded. This field only applies to results from calls made by an account with "Master List" list data storage.
restricted_records_file [vrtypens:FileSpec]
A file containing the email addresses of uploaded list members that were added as not being mailable as a result of your list member storage limit being exceeded. This will not be present if no uploaded list members were restricted. This field only applies to results from calls made by an account with "Master List" list data storage.
rejected_records_detail [vrtypens:ArrayOfRejectedRecordDetail]
An array containing one item per rejected record - each describes the reason why its corresponding record was rejected.
rejected_records_file [vrtypens:FileSpec]
A FileSpec whose "location" field indicates a URL where a report of the rejected records can be found.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The ID of the campaign to add the module to.
module [vrtypens:TemplateCampaignModule]
The module to append. You must provide a "template_id" field. Providing a "position" field is not allowed.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The ID of the campaign whose audience is to be determined.
audience_size [xsd:int]
The number of valid recipients after deduping.
total_size [xsd:int]
The sum of the size of all lists associated with the campaign.
total_mailable [xsd:int]
The sum of the number of valid recipients for each list.
rejected_records_detail [vrtypens:ArrayOfRejectedRecordDetail]
An array of rejected recipients and their rejection reasons.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
method_name [xsd:string]
The name of the method.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The id of the campaign whose recipient results are being fetched.
list_name [xsd:string]
The name of the new list that will be created
fields_to_include [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
An array of the names of list fields to include as fields in the result.
restrict_responses [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
An array of the only response types that should be reported on. Valid items for this array are:
  • OPEN
  • SALE
  • NONE
restrict_lists [vrtypens:ArrayOfInteger]
An array of ids of the lists whose recipients the result should be restricted to.
notification_email_address [xsd:string]
This is required for the background version of this method. When the result is ready, this email address will receive a notification that includes a link that can be used to download the result.
list_id [xsd:int]
num_records [xsd:int]
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
segmentation_query_id [xsd:int]
notification_email_address [xsd:string]
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
field_name [xsd:string]
The field name to create
width [xsd:string]
The field width to be created. Allowed widths "small", "medium", "large". Defaults to "medium"
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
email [vrtypens:Email]
An Email object representing the new email.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
email_campaign [vrtypens:EmailCampaign]
An EmailCampaign object representing the new campaign. You may provide the following fields at the time of creation:
  • name
  • type
  • template_id (for template campaigns)
  • from_label
  • send_friend
  • mail_date
Only name, type, and template_id (only for template campaigns) are required.
The "type" attribute can only be set to one of the following:
  • template
  • canvas
  • freeform
  • freeform_text

Campaign contents can also be provided here. See setEmailCampaignContent() for details regarding which content types are available for which email campaign types. For template campaigns, a list of template modules can be provided as well.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
file [vrtypens:FileSpec]
A FileSpec describing the file to create.
force [xsd:boolean]
Whether to prevent a fault from being thrown when the new file would overwrite an existing file
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
name [xsd:string]
The name of the new list.
type [xsd:string]
The type of list to create. Valid values for this are:
  • email
  • postcard
custom_field_names [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
A list of names for any non-standards fields that should be provided for this list.
custom_field_widths [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
An array of widths for the custom fields. This array should match 1 on 1 with the fields array. Allowed widths: "small", "medium", "large". Defaults to "medium"
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The id of the campaign to delete.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
field_name [xsd:string]
The field name to delete
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
file [xsd:string]
Library path to file to delete (e.g., "/logos/fall.jpg")
move_to_trash [xsd:boolean]
Whether to just move the file to /Trash instead of deleting it outright
force [xsd:boolean]
Whether to prevent a fault from being thrown if the file to delete is a non-empty directory
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The id of the list to delete.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_member [vrtypens:ListMember]
A ListMember object representing the member to delete. It must have its "list_id" attribute set. For email lists, the ListMember object must have a "hash" NVPair in its "member_data" dictionary. For postcard lists, the ListMember object must have an "address_hash" NVPair in its "member_data" dictionary.
delete_from_master [xsd:boolean]
Set this flag to true to indicate if you want to remove member from your master list also.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
segmentation_query_id [xsd:int]
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The id of the email campaign whose template module is being removed.
position [xsd:int]
The position of the template module being removed.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The id of the campaign whose recipient results are being fetched.
delimiter [xsd:string]
The type of result file to create: either "csv" or "tab".
remove_duplicates [xsd:boolean]
Whether to report just one event per recipient or all events per recipient (default is false).
fields_to_include [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
An array of the names of list fields to include as columns in the result.
restrict_responses [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
An array of the only response types that should be reported on. Valid items for this array are:
  • OPEN
  • SALE
  • NONE
restrict_lists [vrtypens:ArrayOfInteger]
An array of ids of the lists whose recipients the result should be restricted to.
notification_email_address [xsd:string]
This is required for the background version of this method. When the result is ready, this email address will receive a notification that includes a link that can be used to download the result.
start_date [xsd:string]
If specified, no events before this date will be included in the result. This date/time should be specified in ISO 8601 format.
end_date [xsd:string]
If specified, no events after this date will be included in the result. This date/time should be specified in ISO 8601 format.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The "campaign_id" argument passed in.
num_records [xsd:int]
The number of recipients listed in the result.
contents [vrtypens:FileSpec]
A FileSpec whose "location" field indicates a URL where the result file can be downloaded from.
included_fields [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
The "fields_to_include" argument passed in. Columns in the result file correspond to these fields.
restricted_responses [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
The "restricted_responses" argument passed in.
restricted_lists [vrtypens:ArrayOfInteger]
The "restrict_lists" argument passed in.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
delimiter [xsd:string]
The type of result file to create: either "csv" or "tab".
include_org_linked_unsubs [xsd:boolean]
Whether to include unsubscribes from other companies who share unsubscribes with the caller's company through an organization (default is false).
exclude_campaign_unsubs [xsd:boolean]
Whether to exclude unsubscribes that exist as the result of a recipient clicking the "unsubscribe" link in a campaign (default is false).
start_date [xsd:string]
If specified, no unsubscribes or bounces before this date will be included in the result. This date/time should be specified in ISO 8601 format.
end_date [xsd:string]
If specified, no unsubscribes or bounces after this date will be included in the result. This date/time should be specified in ISO 8601 format.
UTC_date [xsd:boolean]
If specified, the unsubscribe/bounce date won't be converted to the user's timezone (recommended for faster response).
num_records [xsd:int]
The number of unsubscribes and bounces found.
contents [vrtypens:FileSpec]
A FileSpec whose "location" field indicates a URL where a file containing the unsubscribes and bounces can be downloaded from.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The id of the list to download.
delimiter [xsd:string]
The type of result file to create: either "csv" or "tab".
fields_to_include [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
An array of the names of list fields to include as columns in the result.
restrict_to [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
An array of record types to restrict the result to (default is an empty array). Valid items for this array are:
  • bounces
  • unsubs
notification_email_address [xsd:string]
This is required for the background version of this method. When the result is ready, this email address will receive a notification that includes a link that can be used to download the list.
list_id [xsd:int]
The "list_id" argument passed in.
num_records [xsd:int]
The number of members in the list.
contents [vrtypens:FileSpec]
A FileSpec whose "location" field indicates a URL where the list can be downloaded from.
delimiter [xsd:string]
The "delimiter" argument passed in.
included_fields [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
The "fields_to_include" argument passed in. These field names correspond to columns in the result file.
restricted_to [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
The "restrict_to" argument passed in.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
company [vrtypens:Company]
An object specifying the company's new data. The id of the company must be provided. Company fields that cannot be modified via this method are:
  • status
  • creation_date
  • hash
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
field_name [xsd:string]
The field name to edit
new_width [xsd:string]
The field new width to be updated. Allowed widths "small", "medium", "large"
truncate_data [xsd:boolean]
Truncate data is used along with the custom list field width when decreasing a custom list field size. It is ignored when increasing the custom list field width.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The id of the list whose attribute is being updated.
attribute_name [xsd:string]
The name of the attribute that's being updated. This must be either "name" or "form_id".
attribute_value [xsd:string]
The new attribute value. If the "name" argument was set to "name", the lists new name will be changed to this. If the "name" argument was set to "form_id", and this list doesn't already have an opt-in form associated with it, then the list will be attached to the opt-in form specified by this value.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_member [vrtypens:ListMember]
A ListMember object representing the member to edit. It must have its "list_id" attribute set. For email lists, the ListMember object must have a "hash" NVPair in its "member_data" dictionary. For postcard lists, the ListMember object must have an "address_hash" NVPair in its "member_data" dictionary.
validate_postal_address [xsd:boolean]
This parameter is deprecated and is not supported in future releases
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
validate_postal_address [xsd:boolean]
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
user [vrtypens:User]
An object specifying the user's new data. The id of the user must be provided. User fields that cannot be modified via this method are:
  • cookie
  • creation_date
  • created_by
  • last_updated
  • last_activity_date
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_ids [vrtypens:ArrayOfInteger]
A list of campaign ids to restrict output to.
statuses [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
A list of campaign statuses to restrict output to. If provided, only campaigns with these statuses are returned.
include_content [xsd:boolean]
Whether to include contents array and template modules for each campaign in output. Warning: setting this to true when enumerating many campaigns can lead to very large responses.
include_deleted [xsd:boolean]
Whether to include deleted campaigns in the output. By default deleted campaigns are not returned.
include_lists [xsd:boolean]
Whether to include info about lists attached to each campaign. For each attached list, only the id, name, and size will be provided. Asking for list info is not allowed unless the output is limited to 100 campaigns or less (either specifying 100 campaign ids or a limit of 100).
order_by_fields [vrtypens:ArrayOfOrderByField]
An array of fields and directions that specify an ordering for the returned campaigns.
limit [xsd:int]
The maximum number of records to return.
offset [xsd:int]
Only records on or beyond this index are included in the result.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
restrict_to_users_cobrand [xsd:string]
When present, the categories returned will be only those belonging to the callers cobrand. When not present, those layouts belonging to the users cobrand plus those with no cobrand restriction will be returned.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
categories [vrtypens:ArrayOfInteger]
A set of category IDs as returned by enumerateEmailCategories to which the returned layouts should belong. Use an empty array or no value to indicate that layouts from all categories should be returned.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_ids [vrtypens:ArrayOfInteger]
A list of campaign ids to restrict output to.
statuses [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
A list of campaign statuses to restrict output to. If provided, only campaigns with these statuses are returned.
include_content [xsd:boolean]
Whether to include freeform_html and freeform_text for each email in output. Warning: setting this to true when enumerating many emails can lead to very large responses.
include_deleted [xsd:boolean]
Whether to include deleted emails in the output. By default deleted emails are not returned.
order_by_fields [vrtypens:ArrayOfOrderByField]
An array of fields and directions that specify an ordering for the returned campaigns.
limit [xsd:int]
The maximum number of records to return.
offset [xsd:int]
Only records on or beyond this index are included in the result.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
base_directory [xsd:string]
Directory within your Library whose files are to be listed (defaults to root Library directory "/", known as "My Images" in the web application).
recurse_subdirectories [xsd:boolean]
Whether to recurse subdirectories in listing (defaults to false).
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The id of a list to restrict output to.
type [xsd:string]
The type of lists to restrict output to (e.g., "email", "optin").
name [xsd:string]
The name of a list to restrict output to.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
When specified, only lists that are associated with this campaign are returned.
form_id [xsd:int]
When specified, only the list associated with this opt-in form is returned.
include_field_info [xsd:boolean]
Whether to include the names of the fields for each list. Warning: setting this to true when enumerating many lists can lead to very large responses.
include_deleted_lists [xsd:boolean]
Whether to include deleted lists in the output. By default deleted lists are not returned.
order_by [xsd:string]
The field to sort results by.
limit [xsd:int]
The maximum number of records to return.
offset [xsd:int]
Only records on or beyond this index are included in the result.
is_master [xsd:boolean]
When set to true, only the master list is returned. When set to false, all the user lists (except for the master list) are returned. When not specified, all lists that match other input parameters are returned, whether master or not.
order_direction [xsd:string]
Optional attribute to indicate the order_by direction. Possible values 'DESC' or 'ASC', default is 'ASC'.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
segmentation_query_id [xsd:int]
include_query_detail [xsd:boolean]
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The id of the list whose members are to be removed
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
background_task_id [xsd:int]
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
background_task_id [xsd:int]
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The campaign whose recipient domains are being counted.
max_domains [xsd:int]
An amount to limit the results by.
restrict_domains [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
An array of domains to limit the result by.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The campaign_id passed in.
domain_counts [vrtypens:ArrayOfDomainCount]
An array of domains and the number of recipients in each one for the specified campaign.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
company_id [xsd:int]
The id of the company to retrieve.
include_users [xsd:boolean]
Whether to include the company's users in the result (default is false).
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
categories [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
A list of categories of statistics requested. Available categories are:
  • lists
  • campaigns
Category names are case-sensitive.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The campaign whose decline history is being checked.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_ids [vrtypens:ArrayOfInteger]
The ids of the campaigns whose stats are to be retrieved.
response_types [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
An array of response types to include. Valid values are:
  • OPEN
  • SALE
bins [xsd:int]
The number of intervals that will be represented in the result (default is 2).
min_minutes_since_launch [xsd:int]
The number of minutes after launch where the reporting of events should begin (default is 0).
max_minutes_since_launch [xsd:int]
The number of minutes after launch where the reporting of events should end (default is 2).
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The id of the campaign whose stats are to be retrieved.
include_link_stats [xsd:boolean]
Whether to include click-through statistics in the result (default is false).
include_domain_stats [xsd:boolean]
Whether to include per-domain statistics in the result (default is false).
include_list_stats [xsd:boolean]
Whether to include per-list statistics in the result (default is false).
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
company_id [xsd:int]
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The list whose domains are being counted.
max_domains [xsd:int]
An amount to limit the results by.
restrict_domains [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
An array of domains to limit the result by.
list_id [xsd:int]
The "list_id" argument passed in.
domain_counts [vrtypens:ArrayOfDomainCount]
An array of domains of recipients found in the list along with their corresponding counts.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The id of the list being searched.
address_hash [xsd:string]
The value of the "address_hash" NVPair in the desired ListMember's dictionary of fields.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The id of the list being searched
email_address [xsd:string]
The email address of the list member being searched for
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The id of the list being searched
hash [xsd:string]
The hash of the list member being searched for
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The id of the list whose members are being retrieved.
max_records [xsd:int]
The maximum number of records to return.
offset [xsd:int]
Only records on or beyond this index are included in the result.
order_by_fields [vrtypens:ArrayOfOrderByField]
An array of fields and directions that specify an ordering for the returned campaigns.
first_order_by_field_start_at [xsd:string]
When order_by_fields is provided, this specifies a value for the first field that output should start at.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
product_type [xsd:string]
product_details [xsd:string]
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
product_type [xsd:string]
product_details [xsd:string]
quantity [xsd:int]
promotion_code [xsd:string]
quoted_price [xsd:float]
promotion_code [xsd:string]
promotion_description [xsd:string]
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
order_by [vrtypens:OrderByField]
The field and direction to sort by. Valid field_name values are:
  • campaign_id
  • campaign_name
  • campaign_type
  • status
  • sent_date
  • emails_sent
  • open_count
  • reopen_count
  • click_count
  • sale_count
  • purchase_total
  • bounce_count
  • unsub_count
  • responder_count
If no ordering is specified, then an ordering by descending sent_date is used by default.
limit [xsd:int]
The maximum number of records to return. Specifying a limit greater than 50 is not allowed. This is also the default limit that is used if none is provided.
offset [xsd:int]
Only records on or beyond this index are included in the result.
total_sent_email_campaigns [xsd:int]
The total number of sent campaigns in the account. This will only include deleted sent campaigns if the "include_deleted_campaigns" argument is given a true value.
email_campaign_stats [vrtypens:ArrayOfEmailCampaignStats]
An array of campaign stats matching the pagination window criteria. The "link_stats", "domain_stats", and "list_stats" portions of each EmailCampaignStats record are not provided.
consumer_key [xsd:string]
Your VerticalResponse 3rd party application oauth consumer key
user_access_token [xsd:string]
Your VerticalResponse oauth user access token (this account should be the 3rd party app owner)
session_duration_minutes [xsd:integer]
The session will close after this many minutes have elapsed since the last API call.
impersonate_access_token [xsd:string]
Log in as this account. Account should be linked to your 3rd party application through oauth. The value is the subaccount's access token.
consumer_key [xsd:string]
Your VerticalResponse 3rd party application oauth consumer key
user_access_token [xsd:string]
This account should be linked to your 3rd party application through oauth. The value is the account or subaccount's access token.
ttl [xsd:integer]
The number of seconds the user signon URL will be valid. This must be an integer between 1 and 120.
logout_url [xsd:string]
The URL to which the user should be redirected when they log out of the VR application.
login_url [xsd:string]
The URL to which the user should be redirected when their session times out. If this is not specified, the 3rd party app url value will be used.
post_login_path [xsd:string]
The path to which browsers will be redirected after successfully logging in via single signon. If not specified, the browser will be redirected to the default "welcome" page.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
user_id [xsd:int]
The id of the user being searched for.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
email_address [xsd:string]
The email address of the user being searched for.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
ttl [xsd:integer]
The number of seconds the user signon URL will be valid. This must be an integer between 1 and 120.
logout_url [xsd:string]
The URL to which the user should be redirected when they log out of the VR application.
login_url [xsd:string]
The URL to which the user should be redirected when their session times out. If this is not specified, the global cobrand value will be used.
user [xsd:string]
Log in as this partner subaccount. The value is the subaccount's application login username (an email address). This cannot be provided if impersonate_partner_integration_user is provided.
partner_integration_user [xsd:string]
Log in as this partner subaccount. The value is the subaccount's partner user id (supplied as the "partner_integration_user_id" argument to createUser). This cannot be provided if impersonate_user is provided. If this is provided, then partner_integration must also be provided.
partner_integration [xsd:string]
The name of your partner integration. This is only required if impersonate_partner_integration_user is provided.
post_login_path [xsd:string]
The path to which browsers will be redirected after successfully logging in via single signon. If not specified, the browser will be redirected to the default "welcome" page.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The id of the campaign to launch.
dry_run [xsd:int]
If this is set to 1, then go through all the motions of launching a campaign (calculating audience, checking for sufficient credits, etc.) except for the actual launch.
total_size [xsd:int]
The total number of recipients across all lists.
total_mailable [xsd:int]
The total number of recipients for this campaign after removing unsubscribed and suppressed recipients and deduping across all lists.
merge_fields [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
An array of the merge fields found in the content of this campaign.
username [xsd:string]
Your VerticalResponse application login user name (an email address)
password [xsd:string]
Your VerticalResponse application login password
session_duration_minutes [xsd:integer]
The session will close after this many minutes have elapsed since the last API call.
purchase_id [xsd:int]
If the purchase was successful, the ID of the newly created Purchase object. Otherwise, nil (examine the decline_message for more information).
gateway_used [xsd:string]
Which credit card gateway was used to process the credit card charge.
decline_message [xsd:string]
The credit card decline message, if any.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
source [xsd:string]
Library path to file to move (e.g., "/logos/fall.jpg")
target [xsd:string]
Library path to destination of move (e.g., "/logos/fall/fall_2007.jpg")
force [xsd:boolean]
Whether to prevent a fault from being thrown when the move would result in a file being overwritten
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The ID of the campaign to render. Either this or "campaign_hash" must be provided.
campaign_hash [xsd:string]
The hash of the campaign to render. Either this or "campaign_id" must be provided.
content_type [xsd:string]
Set this to "html" for an HTML rendering of the campaign, and set it to "text" for a text-only rendering of the campaign.
view_type [xsd:string]
Set this to "preview" for a preview rendering of the campaign, and set it to "mailing" for an actual mailable rendering of the campaign. For actual mailable renderings, all links are replaced with redirect links.
max_text_line_length [xsd:int]
For text-only renderings of a campaign, this is the width of a line in the rendering after text wrapping. The default value is 70.
rendered_content [xsd:string]
The fully-rendered campaign.
content_links [vrtypens:ArrayOfCampaignContentLink]
If the the "view_type" is "mailing", this will contain an array of links that were found in the campaign and replaced with redirect links.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
segmentation_query_id [xsd:int]
notification_email_address [xsd:string]
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
field_name [xsd:string]
The name of the field to search by. This should be a list field name. Lists that don't contain this field won't be searched.
field_value [xsd:string]
The value that's desired in the result ListMembers. The call returns only ListMembers whose value for the given field name matches this.
list_id [xsd:int]
If this is set, then the search will be limited to the specified list. Otherwise the search is performed across all lists.
list_ids [xsd:string]
To find occurrences in specific lists use a comma separated string of list ids.
max_records [xsd:int]
Set this argument to limit the number of ListMembers returned
recursive_search [xsd:int]
Assign 1 to this argument to search for occurrences in all lists.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The id of the campaign to test
recipients [vrtypens:ArrayOfNVDictionary]
An array whose items are each an NVDictionary describing a test email recipient. Each NVDictionary should at least contain an "email_address" entry.
text_content_links [vrtypens:ArrayOfCampaignContentLink]
An array of links that were found in the HTML rendering of the campaign and replaced with redirect links.
html_content_links [vrtypens:ArrayOfCampaignContentLink]
An array of links that were found in the text-only rendering of the campaign and replaced with redirect links.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The id of the campaign whose lists are being set.
list_ids [vrtypens:ArrayOfInteger]
The ids of the lists that are to be associated with this campaign.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The id of the list whose custom field names are being set.
fields [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
The names of the custom fields that should exist for this list.
widths [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
An array of widths for the custom fields. This array should match 1 on 1 with the fields array. Allowed widths: "small", "medium", "large". Defaults to "medium"
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The id of the list whose displayed fields are being set.
displayed_fields [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
A list of the names of the fields that should be displayed.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The id of the campaign whose attribute is being set.
name [xsd:string]
The name of the attribute being set.
value [xsd:string]
The attribute's new value.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The id of the campaign whose content is being set.
content [vrtypens:EmailCampaignContent]
The type and copy of the content being set
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The id of the list whose indexed fields are being set
indexed_fields [vrtypens:ArrayOfString]
A list of the names of the fields that should be indexed.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The id of the campaign whose template module is being set.
module [vrtypens:TemplateCampaignModule]
The new module contents.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_hash [xsd:string]
The hash of the archived email campaign.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
from_company_id [xsd:int]
to_company_id [xsd:int]
credits_to_transfer [xsd:int]
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The id of the campaign to undelete.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
list_id [xsd:int]
The id of the list to undelete.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
segmentation_query_id [xsd:int]
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
campaign_id [xsd:int]
The id of the campaign to unlaunch.
session_id [xsd:string]
Your API session id.
email_id [xsd:int]
This email's ID. Provided by VerticalResponse.
freeform_html [xsd:string]
The HTML content of the email.
freeform_text [xsd:string]
The text-only content of the email.